7 Common Signs That You Need a Holiday Drain Cleaning

7 Common Signs That You Need a Holiday Drain Cleaning

  • Plumbing
7 Common Signs That You Need a Holiday Drain Cleaning

Clogged drains can be a frustrating nuisance, but having a dirty drain during the holidays could mean bursting pipes in your home. The winter season already puts enough strain on your plumbing, freezing your pipes and wearing down your water heater. No homeowner wants a home flooded from a burst pipe, which is why it’s important to keep your drains clear this holiday season. Check out our 7 common signs that you need a holiday drain cleaning:

When You Should Clean Your Drains

Plumbing problems can be frustrating, and a dirty drain can disrupt your daily activities. It might be tempting to overlook one clogged drain, but a clog left untreated can result in costly damages. Your plumbing is complicated, but you can avoid most plumbing catastrophes by thoroughly cleaning your drains and routine maintenance. The more you clean your drains, the better, as it never hurts to be proactive with your plumbing. Clogs however, can happen despite how often you clean your drains, which is why it’s important to know the warning signs of a dirty drain. To prepare your drains this holiday season, here’s what to watch for.

  • Water starts to back up. When using the faucet, bathtub, or shower, the water should always drain. Water should never go up your drains, but if you notice after flushing a toilet or running the faucet that water starts to back up versus drain down, it could be a clogged drain.
  • Foul odors. One of the most unpleasant warning signs of a clogged drain is the foul odor of sewage. A drain that’s clogged accumulates all the waste that’s flushed down the drains until the odors come back out the drains. Kitchens with garbage disposal can also be notorious for foul sewage odors, especially when enough food particles build up inside your drains.
  • Odd sounds. Listen carefully to your drains. When a drain is blocked, water is then forced through small spaces or to change course which can result in bubbling or gurgling sounds. If you start to hear odd gurgling sounds from your drain, it’s time to clean your drains. 
  • Frequent clogs. Clogs can be a common plumbing problem, but if they happen often enough, it could be caused from a clogged drain. Some clogs can be resolved with a plunger or drain cleaner, but if you notice the same fixture keeps clogging regardless, you’ll need a plumber to professionally clean your drains.
  • Multiple clogs at the same time. Not all clogs require calling in a plumber, but multiple clogs at once is problematic. If you notice multiple different fixtures have clogged all at once, it means there is a clog deeper inside your sewer line and requires a professional drain cleaning.
  • Slow drains. A slow drain is one of the most common signs of a clogged drain, as no water fixture should have a slow drain. Watch your sinks and water appliances. If you notice it takes more time than usual to drain the sink or your washer or dishwasher is still full after the cycle, it’s time to clean your drains.
  • Fruit or drain flies. Any buildup of food or waste inside your drains will attract flies. Tiny fruit flies are more than just an annoying pest; they can become a health risk, and are usually attracted to the scent of a clogged drain. Drains flies are another pest to watch out for, as they like to breed in drains and sewer lines. If your home has some clogged drains, you might start to notice drain flies buzzing in your bathroom.

How to Clean Your Drains and Keep Them Clogged Free

Knowing when to clean your drains is a good place to start, but it’s best to start habits that keep your drains clean and prevent future clogs. A clogged drain left untreated can result in costly plumbing problems, but luckily they can be avoided with proper care and cleaning practices. Here’s what you can do to keep your drains clean this holiday season.

  • Avoid chemical drain cleaners. Although chemical drain cleaners can be an easy and instant fix for some clogs, they’re incredibly toxic and eat at your pipes over time. There are several non-toxic drain cleaners available such as vinegar and baking soda, which work naturally well to eliminate odors and flush down any stuck waste.
  • Avoid flushing down food waste. Garbage disposals are great if you have them, but contrary to what you might think, it’s to flush down as little food waste as possible. Most foods will clog your drains and break down the blades. Kitchen sinks without a garbage disposal are even less equipped to handle any food waste that goes down the drain. Do your best to avoid flushing food down by scraping and rinsing your plates. Avoid flushing down fats, greases, and oils, as well as starchy foods.
  • Use drain strainers. It’s not just food waste that clogs your drains, but hair, soap scum, and other random debris, which is why it helps to place drain strainers on top of your drains. Make sure to periodically clean out your drain strainers so that your drains can drain properly.

Keep Your Holidays Fun and Festive with Clean Drains

A clog can be a frustrating, if not common plumbing problem, but the winter season adds the additional threat of your pipes freezing. No homeowner wants a flooded home in the dead of winter, that’s why it’s important to keep your drains clean and clear this holiday season. Not all clogs, however, can be cleaned yourself, and that’s where the professionals come in. A licensed plumber can treat your drains and guarantee your holidays stay dry and happy. Don’t wait until you smell sewage, call McHales today and schedule your holiday drain cleaning.

By McHales

Signs That Your Home Needs Drain Cleaning

Signs That Your Home Needs Drain Cleaning

  • drain cleaning

Maybe it’s happened to you before: Suddenly, none of your home’s drains work anymore. When a plunger or hot water fails to work, you may be experiencing a clog or blockage deeper within your system. Clogs can be a major disruption in your home that affects your daily routine. In order to remedy plumbing problems before they escalate, you may need professional assistance. Here are the signs that your home needs drain cleaning:

Warning Signs

When it comes to your plumbing, it tends to show you signs of an issue before anything major happens. Being aware that your home’s drains need clearing in the first place can prevent them from getting clogged — and you could have saved yourself a lot of hassle and money. Here are the major signs that you need drain clearing:

  • Foul odor. Your drains should never smell. A bad smell is a sign of a bad clog forming in the drain system. Since the clog captures more and more organic waste, that waste will simply sit and rot in the drain. Sometimes it attracts little fruit flies that gather around the drains in the kitchen and bathrooms. The clog and flies can eventually even attract vermin and become a health hazard to you and your family.
  • Slow drainage. If you notice that your bathroom or kitchen drains keep getting slower and slower, then there’s a problem somewhere in the drain. It could be a simple, superficial clog, but it could also be something more serious. Tree roots are constantly looking for their food source: water.In their search, it’s not uncommon for them to break into a pipe of yours.  It could also be a damaged drain that has caved in due to shifting ground or some other cause.
  • Your toilet won’t go down. If your toilet won’t drain and plunging doesn’t help, then you probably have a clog further in the sewer line. In order to maintain sanitary bathroom conditions and keep up with your daily routines, you should have a professional locate the problem immediately.
  • Strange noises. When clogs build up and water is slow to drain, it can create gurgling and bubbling noises in the drain. It can also be a signal of a crack or leak somewhere in your system.
  • Standing water. If you have a serious clog, then the water from the drain system will eventually back up. You’ll first notice it in the shower and bath since those drains are closest to the floor. If the problem gets worse, you’ll notice it in the sinks and your toilet as well. If water is left to build up, you may face potential water damage or mold contamination.

If you notice one or more of these signs, you should call a plumber right away. A professional will be able to locate the problem and get your plumbing back up and running in no time.

Prevention Is Key

Of course, you can minimize the chances of needing drain clearing by maintaining your drains properly. Twice a month, clean your kitchen and bathroom drains with a homemade cleaner. Most store-bought ones have harsh chemicals that can actually damage your pipes or surroundings if they leak. Pour a pot of boiling water into the drain, followed by half a cup of baking soda. After a few minutes, pour a cup of vinegar and more hot water in. Cover the drain and let the mixture work in for about five minutes, then flush the drain with very hot water.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – call McHale’s for all of your drain cleaning and clearing needs. 

By McHales

5 Signs You Need Drain Opening in Bucks County

5 Signs You Need Drain Opening in Bucks County

  • drain cleaning
  • Plumbing

Like any area of your home, drains can fall into disrepair and need some attention. Whether its loose hairs, food debris, or dried cleaning products, it’s likely that you’ll have to deal with drains clogging. You may try store-bought drain cleaners as a way to clear your drains before calling a plumber. However, these chemical cleaners are a bandaid that never truly fixes the root of the problem. Luckily, you can call McHale’s to help alleviate your drain clogs, perform a professional drain opening in Bucks County, and take advantage of our $88 drain opening special. But how do you know when the problem has gone beyond a slightly sluggish drain and into a need for a plumber’s help?

Here are five signs that you need a professional drain opening in Bucks County:

Slow draining.

When it comes to clogged drains, one of the easiest signs to notice is slower drainage. Is your sink or bathtub draining slower than it normally does, if at all? Is your washing machine or dishwasher still have a lot of water in it after a cycle? As well as being an inconvenience, this is a sign of a blockage somewhere in your pipes. A professional drain cleaning will release the clogs in your drains and allow water to easily flow through your pipes.

Backed up drains.

When drains need cleaning, sometimes water that should have been drained will come back up. You might have gurgling toilets or standing water in your sink. If water is going back up the drain, it’s a sign that it should be cleaned.

Sewage smells.

One of the more unpleasant and noticeable signs of a clogged drain is the smell of sewage. When drains are clogged, anything that goes down into the drain will build up and rot in the lines. This can become even more noticeable and disgusting if you live in a warmer area. If you smell sewage in your home, it’s a good idea to act quickly.

Fruit and drain flies.

When waste and other sewage starts building up in your drain, it’ll start to attract flies. Fruit flies like the smell and can be a health risk when they get into your kitchen and food. Meanwhile, the aptly named drain fly (also known as sewer or filter fly) likes to breed in septic tanks, sewers, and clogged drains. If you start noticing lots of flies, you’ll definitely want to start cleaning your drain.

Strange noises.

If your drains are clogged, they may start making some odd noises. When drains get clogged, the water may be forced to go through small spaces or change course. This can result in strange gurgling or bubbling noises.

Why is McHale’s my best choice for my plumbing problems?

Instead of relying on harmful drain cleaning products that don’t solve the problem, call McHale’s to clean your drains. Our plumbers are fully certified and have years of experience. We have the technology and experience to handle it all, and we come to your house fully stocked. Call for a drain opening now, and you can get your drains clean for only $88! If your drains are slow, producing bad odors, or making odd noises it’s best not wait. Call McHale’s today to get your plumbing back in tip-top shape!

By McHales