6 Benefits of Getting an AC Tune-Up in Bucks County

6 Benefits of Getting an AC Tune-Up in Bucks County

  • Air Conditioning

As winter turns to spring and spring turns to summer, Bucks County homeowners will be swapping out their heaters for air conditioning. Are you sure yours is ready to tackle the summer heat? The people at McHales know that it’s a good idea to give your AC a tune-up before the warm weather moves in. So, we are are currently offering an $88 special on cooling system inspections. Remember, maintenance prevents future breakdowns! Here are six reasons to get yourself an AC tune-up in Bucks County.

Benefits of an Early AC Tune-Up in Bucks County

  1. Lower electricity bills. Summers are hot- there’s no way around it. It’s likely that you’ll want to be running your AC most days, but that can create a steep increase in electrical bills. A system with clogged filters and failing parts will need to work harder to do the same work. By tuning up your AC now, you’re increasing its efficiency and lowering your utility bills.
  2. More comfort. What would you call an AC that can’t keep you cool? A bad one. Summers can be tough even for modern systems. If you want to keep your home at a constant cool, you’ll want our professionals at McHale’s to make sure your AC is running at top performance.
  3. Fewer breakdowns. If you use your AC system this summer, are you certain that it won’t fail to start up? Do you know for sure that it’ll run smoothly all season? If you’re not sure, give us a call! Our tune-ups come with a complete inspection that can identify problems before they cause a breakdown.
  4. Cheaper repair bills. In the event that your AC winds up needing repairs, they’ll likely be cheaper if you’ve gotten maintenance beforehand. The reason for that is because our maintenance addresses the more costly problems (like air flow issues and broken parts) during our inspections.
  5. Extended AC lifespan. If you want your AC system to stay operational for a long time, you’ll want to give it regular maintenance. By routinely checking on your AC and preventing breakdowns, we can help extend your AC’s lifespan by years. Without regular maintenance, the average AC only lasts a few years.
  6. Better air quality. During the months where you never use your AC, various bits of dust and grime build up in it. When you turn it on, all that nasty junk is going to go into the air, which can hurt your air quality and aggravate those summer allergies. When you call McHale’s to give your AC a tune-up, we’ll clean it out, ensuring that your home’s air stays fresh.

Why is McHale’s the one to do your AC tune-up in Bucks County?

McHale’s has been helping people around the Bucks County area with their homes for more than 60 years. Our family-run business has provided our customers with prompt, dependable service at an affordable cost. Our highly-skilled craftsmen can get the job done while providing the sort of customer service that’ll leave you more than satisfied. If you call us for an AC tune-up now, you can take advantage of our $88 Cooling System Special!

By McHales

Maintaining your AC Between Professional Tune-Ups

Maintaining your AC Between Professional Tune-Ups

  • Air Conditioning

Summer isn’t over yet! There’s still plenty of hot days left, so it’s important  to keep your air conditioner running properly. Routine maintenance is essential for keeping your AC working, but there are things that you can do in between professional tune-ups to make sure that your unit stays clean and efficient:

Inspect your AC

Before you start your AC right up, there are a few things that you should do. You can start by removing the cover and taking a peek at the outdoor unit’s panel. It’s designed to keep the electrical connections safe and hidden, so it needs to be in place to protect both you and the system. If you see any loose or broken connections, stop messing with it and call a professional.

Look for Damages

Look for any obvious signs of damage or wear and tear. For instance, the suction line is a large copper pipe on the outdoor unit that provides a refrigerant to the compressor. If the suction pipe has damaged insulation, there could be a loss of coolant to the outdoor unit. If you can see any areas of concern, call a professional to have it inspected and serviced.

Remove Built-Up Debris

Any system with an outdoor component should be kept clean and free of debris. be sure to remove any dirt or leaves that may have built up as well. It’s important to keep your AC free of obstruction or blockages- both inside and out. While gardening or mulching, avoid packing or planting anything around the base of the unit.

Replace Air Filters

Whenever the season changes, you should replace your indoor air filters. Especially after a long, cold winter where it’s likely that your indoor air filter will have gathered a lot more debris and dust than normal, you should be sure to change the filter before you need to use your AC.

Check the Drainage Hose

This hose is also called the “condensate line”. Since the coil’s temperature is lower than the air, water can lead to condensation. This water needs to drain, or the tray will fill up and flood the unit. If this happens, it can his can cause water damage and mold or mildew growth, so it should be taken care of immediately.

Turn on the Power!

After going through these steps, turn on your AC and see how it works! Check the air coming out of the vents for the first few minutes, and then every few hours throughout the day. A few minutes after startup, you should feel cool air coming out!

Call McHale’s today to schedule AC inspection or maintenance!

By McHales

How to Cut Costs While Using Your AC This Summer

How to Cut Costs While Using Your AC This Summer

  • Air Conditioning

When you’re inside cranking your air conditioner this summer to stay cool, it could result in a sky-high electric bill. In an effort to stay cool while protecting your wallet, here are a few things that you can do to cut costs while using your AC this summer: 

Use a Fan 

During the days and nights that aren’t extremely hot, you don’t need to keep your AC on full power. A fan may not be able to cool down an entire area like an air conditioner can, but it can bring down the immediate temperature with a wind chill factor. Some fans are portable, so they can provide you with cool comfort from room to room. Ceiling fans are also a great way to cool down your home because they disperse air evenly throughout a room. Just like your AC, you should turn off your fans when they aren’t needed. This helps to prevent energy loss. 

Use Your AC Only When Needed 

You don’t need to keep your AC at the lowest temperature to stay comfortable. By keeping it set to a slightly higher temperature, you can save big time on your electric bill. You should also have it turned off when you’re not home. Unless you have loved ones or pets that stay home and need to keep cool, there isn’t really any reason to keep it on. Most models can cool your room or home down very quickly so they don’t need to stay on all day. Programmable thermostats can make this easier for you – they can lower temperatures or turn off your cooling system when you need them to. 

Keep Curtains Closed

Closing your curtains, blinds, or shades during periods of direct sunlight can make a drastic difference in home cooling. Direct sunlight can quickly raise temperatures in your home – especially if your shades are open. Not only does closing them keep the heat out, it helps to trap the cool air inside. If the temperature is already lowered in your house, you won’t need to put as much stress on your AC. This will help you save money on your utilities.

Limit Heat Building Activities 

When temperatures are scorching outdoors, you can help stay cool indoors by minimizing chores and activities that quickly cause the heat to build up. Using your oven or stove, running the dishwasher, drying clothes in the dryer – these are all heat generating activities. Instead, you can use the microwave or grill to cook or let your clothes dry outdoors. Finding alternatives for these routine activities will help you stay cool and comfortable indoors while cutting back on your electricity bill.

Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance!

The most important part in keeping your cooling system working properly is routine maintenance performed by a trained professional. This allows a technician to fully examine and service your entire system – from the outdoor unit to the ventilation system. If there are any issues or areas of concern, they will be fixed before they have time to escalate. Routine maintenance boosts energy efficiency, reliability, and give your AC a longer lifespan. It also helps you keep the air quality in your home safe! To schedule your tune-up, call McHale’s today!

How McHale’s Can Help 

We want to guarantee that you and your family are able to stay cool and comfortable all summer long. To make sure that you do, we offer a wide range of AC services to make sure that your’s is working properly and efficiently. Our services include:

  • Heat pump repair 
  • Compressor repair
  • Freon recharge
  • Air handler service
  • Blower motor replacement 
  • A full system check of drain lines, evaporator coil, relays, capacitors, and fuses. 

If your AC isn’t working at top speed, call McHale’s! We’re ready to help! 

By McHales

Is Your AC Harming Your Air Quality?

Is Your AC Harming Your Air Quality?

  • Air Conditioning

As the weather heats up, it’s likely that you will be spending more and more time indoors to beat the heat and stay cool. If your air conditioner doesn’t seem to be working like it used to, it could be hurting your indoor air quality. Any AC that’s old, outdated, or running inefficiently can cause indoor air problems in your home. If you suspect there’s a problem with your system, call McHale’s to schedule service. Here are some warning signs to watch out for:

Warning Signs

  • Clogged or dirty filters. Your filter is responsible for literally filtering out impurities in your airflow before its delivered and dispersed throughout your home via a central air system. Your air filter should be changed often, every few months is best. This is especially important during periods of extended use, like the summer months. When the filter becomes dirty and clogged with dust, hair, dander, pollen, or any other debris that may make their way in, your air quality can be compromised.
  • Excess water. If your air conditioner is leaking any excess fluid or it has more condensation than usual, it may be harming your indoor air quality. Leftover liquids can leave you with mold or mildew growth. These spores can grow and spread at a rapid rate. If in or around your air system, they can easily be blown into your home.
  • Duct problems. If your duct system is damaged, it’s possible for debris to build up inside. Because your ducts deliver air directly through your vents, whatever may be built up inside will be delivered as well.
  • Strange noises or odors. These are signs that your system may be broken or running inefficiently. In an effort to prevent the problem from worsening, you should have a professional fix the problem.
  • Old or inefficient equipment. Any system that is old, outdated, or running inefficiently has the potential to damage the air quality in your home. If your air conditioning system is out of date, you should consider a replacement. Newer technologies are more efficient and will help to keep the air in your home safe and breathable for years to come.

How McHale’s Can Help

In order to ensure you and your family stay cool during the summer months, you need to have a working air conditioner. When you notice that your air conditioner is not working as it should, or you see a sudden rise in your energy bills, you know it’s time to call in your local Newtown and Bucks County experts at McHale’s. We are a full service air conditioner repair and maintenance company here to help with whatever cooling problems you’re having, including:

  • Heat pump repair
  • Compressor repair
  • Freon recharge
  • Air handler service
  • Blower motor replacement
  • Air conditioning repairs
  • And much more!

Don’t wait until your system fails completely. Call McHale’s today to schedule your AC service!

By McHales