
4 Signs It’s Time for a Furnace Tune-Up in Levittown

In addition to cozy sweaters, blankets, and pumpkin pie, a furnace tune-up in Levittown is essential this fall! While you may think your furnace will last you the entire season, it’s better to be safe than sorry this season. Your enjoyment of the fall can be hindered by a faulty heating system, especially when you’re looking for any protection from the cold you can muster.

McHales is here to offer you a furnace tune-up in Levittown that will keep the heat flowing all season long. We can give your furnace a careful examination to make sure it is free of any problems. We can even consult after inspection with you on the work that needs to be done to ensure your furnace is working. Above all else, we want your fall to be the most comfortable ever!

Furnace Tune-Up in Levittown: Top 4 Signs

A furnace tune-up in Levittown can keep you and your family happy during the fall and winter, but can you know when to get it? Here are 4 signs telling you it’s time:

  1. Higher Costs of Energy Bills: This indicates that your furnace is working harder but uses up more energy to provide heat. You can see your utility bills increase if you let this problem persist.  A furnace maintenance check can make sure your furnace is using less energy to get the job done and keeping those energy costs to an all-time low.
  2. Yellow Flame and Other CO Indicators: This indicates that the burners need cleaning to provide more oxygen to the flame. Worse, it can be indicative of carbon monoxide (CO), an odorless yet poisonous gas that can lead to a loss of consciousness or even death. Other signs of CO presence includes experiencing nausea, headache, or fatigue. Don’t risk the health and safety of everyone in your household and get furnace service immediately!
  3. Insufficient Heating: Simply enough, it may come down to your furnace not providing enough heat as it once did. If you have more members in your household, then you need a furnace that provides heat to all of them. A furnace tune-up in Levittown can ensure you’re getting the right amount of heating in your home to meet everyone’s needs.
  4. Cold Zones: Are you noticing some areas of your home beginning to feel warmer than others? Then it’s a sign you have cool zones, which are often due to an ineffective heating system. A furnace tune-up in Levittown can restore equal amounts of warmth in all rooms of your home.

Contact McHales today for a furnace tune-up in Levittown, especially if you notice any of these 4 signs!

Don’t delay. Call today!