How to Patch A Leaky Pipe While You Wait For a Plumber

How to Patch A Leaky Pipe While You Wait For a Plumber

  • Plumbing

While we at McHales love to see the DIY spirit, somethings just require a professional touch. Leaky pipes are a prime example. When water is coming out of anything but your faucet or shower head, it’s going to take more than a little duct tape to fix the problem in a meaningful way and that’s where we come in. And while our response times are among the fastest in the biz, we can’t teleport directly to your home. Meanwhile, you still have a leaky pipe, which can lose as much as 250 gallons of water through a 1/8 inch crack. While they aren’t permanent fixes, there are some band-aid solutions you can apply to stop the flow temporarily. Here are some easy things you can do to hold down the fort while you wait for the cavalry to come.

Pipe Epoxy

You’re probably already familiar with these types of products since they’re widely available at most hardware stores. Basically, it’s a chemical compound that starts out soft and hardens over time after application to a leak. Think of it like putting some water resistant glue over the hole. They can be relied on for a few weeks, but you still need a plumber to come out and fix the issue once and for all. A temporary solution, but an easy one for the average person to access and deal with. There’s a lot of different brands out there, but for our money, here are some of the ones we recommend:

  • Flex Paste
  • J-B Weld Epoxy Adhesive
  • Oatey Fix-It Stick
  • Gorilla Epoxy Adhesive

Pipe Tape

Literally a band-aid solution. These are exactly what they sound like: tape you put around your pipes to stem the flow of water. Pipe tapes are most commonly made from resin impregnated fiberglass/PVC tape so they can stand up to the water flowing underneath. It work really well on joints and elbows, which are some of the more common plumbing fixtures that spring leaks in the first place. Since they are essentially heavy duty pieces of tape, they do eventually lose their adhesive quality over time usually in a , but in a pinch, pipe tape can be a life saver for a homeowner trying to stop a leak before a plumber arrives. Here’s a few of our recommended brands:

  • Rescue Tape
  • F4 Tape
  • Blue Monster
  • Gorilla Waterproof Tape

Rubber Pipe Connectors

In the event of a major leak at a joint or elbow, a little tape isn’t going to do much for you. Rubber pipe connectors are the thing you’ll need. This remedy is best for leaks that occur around joints or in the middle of water piping. And while it’s much more effective and longer lasting than both epoxies and tapes, it’s a lot more difficult to apply for the average homeowner without extensive plumbing know-how. They may not be the best choice to patch your leaky pipe while waiting for a plumber, we do have some products we tend to recommend for those who it is right for.

  • Watts Rubber Fittings
  • Fernco
  • Cherene

Pipe Clamps

Clamps are another common quick fix while waiting for a plumber. Though more often found in commercial settings, they work just as well holding together a leak in a private home. These pieces of metal are screwed, bolted, wrapped, or otherwise affixed to the pipe, covering the leak. They’re often pretty cheap and easy to apply, so they remain a popular choice among those in need of fast plumbing repairs. And where other products have some variance based on brands, pipe clamps are largely the same no matter which brand you go with. The differences are in the types of clamps, which will vary based on where your leak is and what type/size of pipe you’re dealing with.

Schedule a consultation with a call to McHale’s today!

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“What’s Wrong With My Air Conditioner Unit?”

“What’s Wrong With My Air Conditioner Unit?”

  • Air Conditioning

“What’s Wrong With My Air Conditioner Unit?” A dreaded question no homeowner wants to have to ask, especially as we enter the dog days of summer.  Your air conditioner unit is going to be your best friend in the coming months as temperatures soar into the 80’s and 90’s. When your air conditioner unit stops working, you need answers and you need them fast. The best thing to do is to call a professional, but here are some of the most common reasons your AC might be broken.

Electrical Failure

The most common reason air conditioner unit’s fail is electrical failure. An unreliable circuit breaker or a blown fuse are two of the most usual suspects. These are simple enough issues that some handy homeowners may be able to fix themselves. Failing that, there’s a more serious issue at hand. For all other electrical-related mishaps with your AC, we recommend getting a licensed and trained technician on-site.

Frozen Coil

When was the last time you changed out your air filter? Hopefully it was relatively recently, as old, worn-out filters and dirty ductwork are surefire ways to get yourself a frozen coil. The coil is a critical component in your unit’s airflow meaning that it’s a critical component to your AC functioning. You can check your coil by looking down into your air conditioner, but you’re going to need to call a repairman to remove it and install a replacement.

Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is the liquid inside your air conditioner unit that empowers it to do its job in cooling down your home. Think of it as the lifeblood of your system. If there’s a leak sprung, it’s important to get it fixed very quickly. Refrigerant fluid can be hazardous to the environment and your health, so it’s best to get it cleaned up and replaced by a McHales team member as soon as possible.

Damaged Hardware

Being outside, your AC is prone to the elements and all that they bring along with them. Important components of your air conditioner unit, including the fan, the compressor, and the electrical connections, wear down over time, especially in units more than five years old. These components are usually obscured inside the unit itself, and issues with them are only diagnosed by a technician digging around in there and finding them. The good news here is that there’s a reliable way to prevent these issues before they get the better of your trusty cooling system…

A Lax Maintenance Routine

Regular HVAC maintenance is paramount to ensure your system runs smoothly when you need it the most. Having a professional come in at regular intervals and inspect your air conditioner unity from the ground up will help you both catch any latent issues before they become AC breaking problems. A trained McHales technician has the skills and know how to pick up on potential problems before they rear their ugly head, but they need to have eyes on your system to do so. Regular maintenance is THE best way to make sure your AC never needs an emergency repair.

Schedule a consultation with a call to McHale’s today!

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How To Extend The Life Of Your AC In Bucks County

How To Extend The Life Of Your AC In Bucks County

  • Air Conditioning

Just like any other part of your home, you want to be sure that your AC works properly and continues to do so for as long as possible. There are several things you can do to lengthen the lifespan of your air conditioner. With a little work on your end and routine maintenance from a professional, your AC will be able to keep your home cool and comfortable for years to come.

Routine Inspection and Maintenance

To extend the life of your AC to the fullest, maintenance is key. No matter what type of system or model you have working in your home, you should have a professional inspection at least twice a year. This allows for an in depth look at the inner workings of your air conditioner. Here’s what you can expect during a professional tune-up:

  • Performance test of the whole system
  • Visual review of components to look for areas of concern
  • Test to determine the state of the refrigerant charge
  • Overall system control testing
  • Leak test
  • If a service professional suspects a leak, a dye detection test may be necessary

Keep in mind that professional maintenance can lower your energy bills and improve the function and durability of your cooling system. To prevent costly repairs down the road, don’t hesitate to call at the first sign of an issue.

What You Can Do on Your Own

While you should always call a professional if a problem pops up, there are things you can do on your own in between visits to keep things running smoothly. To help extend the life of your AC on your own, try the following:

  • Turn it off when you don’t need it. Your AC could use a break every once in a while! If you are going to be out of the house for an extended amount of time, there’s no need to keep it running. It’s also a good idea to turn the thermostat up a little at night when the temperature outside drops.
  • Keep it clean. Dust or debris buildup can damage your AC, even if its just on the outside. Units located outdoors, even partially, are more susceptible, so its important to keep it free of dust, dirt and leaves. If they are left to build up, a malfunction is more likely.
  • Allow air circulation. Without a proper airflow, sufficient cooling will be difficult. Keep vents free from obstructions.
  • Keep your ducts clean. Unless you have a ductless system, you need to keep your ducts clean. Dust, dirt, mold, or mildew buildup can make its way into your air supply.
  • Keep an eye out for leaks. Whether its your AC itself or your ducts, you should always keep an eye out for leaks. Leaky ducts or hoses will result in your AC needing more electricity to function and cost you more on your utility bills.

In order to extend the lifespan of your AC and keep it running smoothly, call McHales and schedule your inspection today.  

By McHales