

Kitchen Remodeling Services in Holland

Deciding to remodel your kitchen or bathroom is a big step!  There are many components that go into a true remodel, and — as the remodeling specialists — we at McHales never want to rush that process.  However, there are some considerations to be made in addition to the general discussions of style, fixture installations, and budget that most people immediately start to think of when they imagine remodeling.  Of course, deciding what colors you want is hugely important, but don’t get swept away.  We’ve compiled a list of extra considerations so that you don’t forget to include them in your plan.

3 Extra Considerations to Make When Remodeling

  • Upgrading Your Fuel Sources– What would be the use in remodeling if you were still going to use outdated and inefficient means of heating your remodeled home?  If you still have an oil powered heating system, use the remodel as an opportunity to upgrade to natural gas or propane.  Gas furnace alternatives will save you money on your utility bills since that operates at 30% increased efficiency from oil.  They’ll also reduce the size of your carbon footprint dramatically, and will forced-air you’ll be able to combine your heating and cooling into a single ventilation system, thereby avoiding the cost of extra ductwork.
  • Restoring Your Electrical Panel– You probably won’t be surprised to know that your household uses a  great deal more energy than ten years ago.  After all, now everyone has a cellphone, a laptop, a tablet, etc. — plus, larger and higher-efficiency appliances require more modern  circuitry.  Take the remodel opportunity to make sure that your electrical panel is safe and not overloading by doing a restoration on its circuit breakers.  This is to ensure that your new fixtures and appliances do not overload the amperage your home is capable of.
  • Aging in Place Accommodations– What does “aging in place” mean?  Essentially, aging in place bathrooms and kitchens are designed to suit the needs of an elderly or disabled member of the household.  If you have someone living in your home who requires special care, you’ll need to remodel your living space to be aging in place for their safety.

If you’ve told you’re family that you want to remodel your kitchen and bathroom, we believe you and we want to help you carry it through.  Our mission statement has been the same for over sixty years: “We do what we say we will!”  That single promise, believe it or not, has been enough to place us in the elite center-circle of remodeling experts — all because it’s just that simple.  We know you too want to do what you’ve said you will, so let our experts help.  Call McHales today to have a professional come and listen to your remodel plan, and soon enough your dream kitchen or bathroom will be an everyday reality.  But don’t waste time: contact the experts now!

Don’t delay. Call today!