
Common Furnace Tune-Up Mistakes to Avoid

A furnace tune-up is more than important now that we’re steadily making our way to winter. We may be in the midst of holiday season, but it may be difficult spreading the seasonal cheer if you don’t have a reliable source of heating in your home. Any responsible homeowner will know to conduct furnace maintenance right before the season begins. While it is certainly ideal to call a local heating company for a furnace tune-up once a year, you should also conduct maintenance your own time to keep your furnace running through the winter’s roughest weather. Sure, perhaps you don’t have the qualifications or licensing to conduct a full-scale tune-up, but there is always things you can to ensure your family’s comfort like filter changes and lubricating the furnace’s internal components. However, every year, there are always homeowners who will think they just as many skills as the pros, leading them to make mistakes during maintenance work that will their home heating worse than ever before. An improperly maintained furnace can bring you all sorts of trouble throughout the season like higher spending on utility bills, poor energy efficiency, a heightened risk of home heating fires, and more. You may also spend money on replacing your heating system, which may cost you up to thousands of dollars on service. Before a lack of attention to your furnace proves your downfall this winter, you need to brush up on your heating knowledge in what mistakes you should avoid.

Why Should You Call McHales for Service?

McHales is your number-one local heating company this winter for any service you may need. One of the best ways to guarantee your comfort this season is through a tune-up conducted by one of our licensed, fully-trained heating contractors. They will inspect your furnace down to every last detail, looking out for the small, hard-to-find problems that would otherwise go unnoticed. For any issues they come across, they will make quick, durable repairs to prevent the situation from getting worse. With their help, you will notice an improved furnace boasting extended system lifespan and greater efficiency, helping you save tons of money on bills in the process. You will also have safer heating that won’t put your family’s well-being at risk, successfully avoiding hazards like fires and exposure to harmful gasses. Best of all, you will be able to relax so much more knowing you have a working furnace in your home keeping the whole family warm even when a winter storm howls outside.

Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid This Season

The next time you plan on taking maintenance into your hands, please make the effort and avoid these common mistakes perpetrated by homeowners:

  1. Not Paying Attention to Warning Signs: Many heating problems start when a homeowner fails to notice the signs telling them there is a problem in the first place. Pay attention to signs like unusual smells, loud noises, and extensive physical damage. The sooner you can identify them, the faster you can call McHales to get it fixed.
  2. Not Changing Furnace Filters: Changing your furnace filters should be considered an absolute must if you want to avoid heating system failures. However, some homeowners make the mistake of not changing them at all, instead allowing them to become clogged with dirt and debris. This will both block air flow and put more strain on the system, making you pay more for energy bills.
  3. Failure to Clean Furnace Components: Notice dirt and dust buildup on your furnace? Break out the vacuum or cloth to clean it. Dust or other contaminants may be the one thing keeping your furnace from working at its best. It’s a fairly overlooked part of the maintenance process, but cleanliness can go a long way in improving your furnace’s efficiency.
  4. Failure to Replace Old Furnaces: If your furnace is older than 15 years old, you want to seek replacement just to avoid a higher chance of system breakdowns. Some homeowners will be stubborn enough to not seek replacement and wind up paying more on emergency heating repair throughout the season.
  5. Not Clearing the Surrounding Area: The area around the furnace needs to be cleared to prevent any hazardous situations. If your furnace is located in the basement, you may have personal belongings blocking the furnace, which can be incredibly dangerous if some of those belongings are flammable. All it may take is a spark from your furnace to set off a huge fire.
  6. Not Calling McHales for Annual Maintenance: You should be calling McHales once a year for a furnace tune-up. A quick maintenance check will keep your heating system up to date, especially when any lingering problems within the system are fixed before they worsen. Even just a few touch-ups may mean all the difference in how your furnace operates for the next 12 months. Don’t make the mistake and opt not call us though. You may be replacing that furnace sooner than you realize.

Avoid The Cold This Winter – Schedule A Furnace Tune-Up Today

Contact McHales today if you want to stay warm and comfortable this season thanks to our quick yet effective furnace tune-up!

Don’t delay. Call today!