
Bathroom Remodeling in Newtown

Why Move When You Can Remodel?

Is moving around your own home getting more difficult by the day? If your bathroom is just not functioning as you need it to anymore, then it’s time to consider remodeling.

Yes, we said remodeling – not moving! McHales can help keep you in the home you love while making minor adjustments to better fit your needs. Bathroom remodeling is the answer you need!

We are remodeling experts and know all about universal design – that is, design solutions for everyone. So, again, there’s no need to move when you can utilize our aging in place design options!

McHales Remodeling Solutions

One of the biggest components of an aging in place remodel is to create a safe and accessible shower. We offer a couple of different options based on your needs:

  1. Shower platforms: These are designed to raise shower floors to allow for easy wheelchair access. They also have non-slip traction and perforated tops so water can drain appropriately.
  2. Curb-less showers: Having trouble stepping over your big, bulky tub to get into the shower? Well, with a curb-less one you won’t have to worry. These are showers that remain level with your bathroom floor in order to create a more comfortable and open space for you.

But, there’s a lot more that goes into an aging in place bathroom than just new shower options and at McHales we handle that, too.

In addition to the above features we can install in your bathroom, you can also choose to have grab bars or safety seats put in. We can replace your standard shower head with a more accessible one that will allow you to maneuver it how you need to. The McHales team can also install an accessible toilet bowl or washlet seat to better your everyday bathroom experience.

No remodeling challenge is too much for us to handle. We are here to help make sure your home works for you. Give McHales a call today!

Don’t delay. Call today!